3 Card Full Moon 2021

Card 1 – What has 2021 given me so far? 

    Card 2 – What can I look forward to for the rest of 2021?

    Card 3 – What direction do I need to Focus on now?

    Look closer at each card and ask yourself what it represents:

    Some possibilities are:

    • A person in your life
    • A situation
    • Your emotions / feelings
    • Your thoughts
    • You and the way you are approaching things
    • A new way of seeing things
    • A possible solution

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    XVII – The Star

    Drive: The guiding light, living the moment, confidence in nature and life

    Light: Creative hopes, optimism, trust

    Shadow: Destructive hopes, illusions

    Keywords: Aquarius, stimulation, crystallization, self-knowledge, radiance, clairvoyance, self-confidence, relation to universal intelligence

    Six of Disks – Success

    Drive: Overcome of crisis, success

    Light: Wealth, generosity, nobility

    Shadow: False pride, taken everything for granted, prodigal

    Keywords: Moon in Taurus, inner and outer manifestation, success, transformation

    XIV – The Art

    Drive:  Dissolve and combine

    Light: Balance and harmony, fulfillment, creation, peace

    Shadow: Getting into extremes, splitting up and tearing apart

    Keywords: Sagittarius, reconciliation of contradictions, balance, inner change, transformation, alchemy, creative power, quality change

    Ten of Wands – Oppression

    Drive: Cruel and overbearing force, thirst for might

    Light: The chance to think about it, learning

    Shadow: Cruelty, excessive pressure, selfish and material ends, dogmatism, aggression

    Keywords: Saturn in Sagittarius, suppressed emotions, withheld energy, isolation, aggression, separation

    Queen of Cups

    Drive: Floating across the borders, drifting between reality and dream

    Light: Imagination, poetry, kindness, sensitivity, emotional depth

    Shadow: Diffusion, spinning around in irrational folly

    Keywords: water aspect of water as above, open emotions, emotional independence, motherhood

    XV – The Devil

    Drive: The freedom of spirit, independence of mind, anarchy of science

    Light: Independence, wilfulness, never accepting dogma, never bowing the head – I don’t serve!

    Shadow: Darkness, loneliness, being misunderstood and an outcast

    Keywords: Capricorn, creative energy, procreation, humor, sensuality, sexuality, creative energy, individuality

    Two of Cups – Love

    Drive: Love, unity in difference

    Light: Harmony, pleasure, mirth, love, friendship, passion

    Shadow: Dissipation, waste, silliness, subtlety

    Keywords: Venus in Cancer, inclusive love, happy relationship, mutual emotions

    XI – The Passion -Lust

    Drive: Energy, passion, charisma, joy of life

    Light: Power, vitality, unconditional devotion

    Shadow: Weakness, dissatisfaction, depression

    Keywords: Lion zodiac sign; passion, multidimensional creativity, talent, power, animal energy; overcoming old fears and innuendo

    Eight of Wands – Swiftness

    Drive: Excessive force applied to suddenly, very rapid rush, violent but not lasting

    Light: Progression, ideas, creativity, motion, changes, development

    Shadow: Rashness, thoughtlessness, rapacious, insolent, jealousy

    Keywords: Mercury in Sagittarius, clear, direct, fast communication, clearing up misunderstanding

    I -The Magician

    Drive: Self-realization, a strong will, the energy to have one’s way

    Light: Activity, power of life, impulse, energy

    Shadow: Aggressively, egoism, the abuse of power

    Keywords: Mercury, communication, fun, easy communication with all possible forms of communication, flexibility, sharpness, genius

    Card 1 – What has 2021 given me so far?

      Eight of Disks – Prudence

      Drive: Consideration, prudence

      Light: Realisation of coherences, ability to wait for the right moment

      Shadow: Penny-wise and pound-foolish, hoarding, stagnity, immovableness

      Keywords: Sun in Virgo, inner and outer riches, wisdom, development, care, caution

      Three of Disks – Works

      Drive: Manifestation, understanding

      Light: Progress, cristallisation, increase of substance,

      Shadow: Sloppiness or neglect after a first gain was won, stop in the middle of work

      Keywords: Mars in Capricorn, work, fatigue, progressive development, duty to self, self-confidence

      III – The Empress

      Drive: Devotion and maternity, Mother Nature, creating something new in connection of both inside and outside

      Light: Maternity, love, trust, fluffiness, the joy of great abundance

      Shadow: Greed, envy, jealousy, laziness

      Keywords: Venus, beauty, love, motherhood, femininity, wisdom, the relationship of spirit and matter, inner and outer riches

      XIV – The Art

      Drive:  Dissolve and combine

      Light: Balance and harmony, fulfillment, creation, peace

      Shadow: Getting into extremes, splitting up and tearing apart

      Keywords: Sagittarius, reconciliation of contradictions, balance, inner change, transformation, alchemy, creative power, quality change

      Knight of Wands

      Drive: Expansion of spiritual individuality

      Light: Inspiration, spiritual activity, a strong will

      Shadow: Despotism, egoism, intolerance

      Keywords: fiery aspect of fire, dynamic forward movement, increased insight, imminent changes

      Four of Disks – Power

      Drive: Stability, security, gain

      Light: Assured material gain, rank, success, wealth, productivity

      Shadow: Fear of loss, avarice, greed for more, over-estimation of material wealth

      Keywords: Sun in Capricorn, domination, openness

      Ace of Swords

      Drive: Invoked powers. whirling force of mind, realisation, logic

      Light: Realization, clearness, objectivity, intellectual aspiration

      Shadow: Intellectual debacle, coldness, cruelty through logic, intellectual dissatisfaction

      Keywords: spiritual purity, original thinking, brilliant thinking ability, divine inspiration, spiritual purity

      Ten of Swords – Ruin

      Drive: Transformation

      Light: Rebirth, realization, the end of a cycle, wisdom through pain and loss

      Shadow: Ruin, loss, destruction, separation, pain, catastrophe

      Keywords: Sun and Moon in Gemini, fear of insanity, broken heart, fear of the destructive energy of accumulated anger, negative thinking

      Prince of Wands

      Drive: Activity, energy, impulsiveness

      Light: Energy, creativity, passion, swift, strong, rather violent

      Shadow: Restlessness, impatience, destructive powers, cruel, intolerant, prejudiced

      Keywords: airy aspect of fire, intensity, flourishing love, intuitive creativity, from darkness to light

      Two of Cups – Love

      Drive: Love, unity in difference

      Light: Harmony, pleasure, mirth, love, friendship, passion

      Shadow: Dissipation, waste, silliness, subtlety

      Keywords: Venus in Cancer, inclusive love, happy relationship, mutual emotions

      Card 2 – What can I look forward to for the rest of 2021?

        Knight of Swords

        Drive: Intellect, science, enlightenment

        Light: Sharpness of mind, logic, intellect

        Shadow: Coldness, Zionism, ambiguity

        Keywords: airy fiery aspect, goal oriented, ambition, passion, ambition, flexible thinking

        XX – The Aeon

        Drive: Birth, renewal, transformation, the realization of Utopia

        Light: Knowledge of coherences, widened perception and the liberation of hidden abilities

        Shadow: wrong identification, self-deception

        Keywords: good judgment, open to criticism, critical self-analysis

        Five of Cups – Disappointment

        Drive: Disillusion, pain, loss, sadness

        Light: Sobering, realization, separation as a consequence

        Shadow: Bitterness, emptiness, treachery, deceit, detraction

        Keywords: Mars in Scorpio, unfulfilled hopes, lost sense of balance, problematic relationships, old wounds

        Knight of Cups

        Drive: Self-sacrifice, self-redemption, grace, poetry

        Light: Compassion, solicitousness, sensibility

        Shadow: Seducability, vanity, unsteadiness, sentimental obtrusiveness, artificial, untruthfulness

        Keywords: fiery aspect of water, surrender to loved one, ability to give, reaching higher emotional levels, spiritual relationships, family of choice

        Five of Disks – Worry

        Drive: Material crisis, worry about material things or health

        Light: Reconsidering of values, managing to get along in hard times

        Shadow: Fear, loss, failure, destruction, hindering, unpredictable changes to the bad, worsening circumstances

        Keywords: Mercury in Taurus, trouble, pondering, pessimism, problematic communication, fear of existence

        Seven of Swords – Futility

        Drive: List, trickery, cleverness

        Light: Unmasking of illusions and disguises

        Shadow: Treachery, deceit, illusion, amorality, evil tricks

        Keywords: Moon in Aquarius, discouragement, despair, unsteadiness, fear of existence, negative expectations

        Prince of Disks

        Drive: Solidity, increased material, growth

        Light: Unwavering, industrious, enduring, reliable, practcal, reasonable, careful

        Shadow: Stubbornness, corruption, avarice, phlegma, dullness, coldness

        Keywords: Earth’s Airy Aspect, Structure, High Energy in Material Matter, Unshakable, Caution, Meditation, Physical Activity, Steadiness

        Queen of Cups

        Drive: Floating across the borders, drifting between reality and dream

        Light: Imagination, poetry, kindness, sensitivity, emotional depth

        Shadow: Diffusion, spinning around in irrational folly

        Keywords: water aspect of water as above, open emotions, emotional independence, motherhood

        Three of Swords – Sorrow

        Drive: Melancholy, facing up a painful truth

        Light: Understanding, sobering, losing beautiful but false illusions

        Shadow: Disappointment, pain, sadness, separation, sorrows

        Keywords: Saturn in Libra, annoyances, doubts, lack of light, lethargy, jealousy, depression, tripartite obsession, troubles, uncertainty, anxiety

        X – The Wheel of Fortune

        Drive: Eternal motion, changing, restarting, accepting of fate

        Light: Unexpected changings, fortune, realization of luck

        Shadow: Fatalism, a changing to the worse

        Keywords: Jupiter; new beginnings, expansion, creativity, big breakthrough; self-realization; unexpected luck, growth

        Card 3 – What direction do I need to Focus on now?