
Two of Swords – Peace

THE TWO OF SWORDS – PEACE – Moon – Gemini – Doubt
Astrology: Moon in the 1. decan of Libra

About :

Two of Swords – Peace

Full Card

Drive: Peace, arrangement of differences, a good compromise between soul and mind

Light: Beginning of analysis, balanced force, contradictory characteristics in the same nature

Shadow: Difference, disagreement, opposites calmed down by cold logic only, unsolved tensions

Keywords: Moon in Libra, inner peace, decision-making, decisions on relationships or situations that result in peace.

Advice: Inner peace is a special donation. Watch out for it, but never try to cling to it too much.

Question: Which areas of your life are of particular interest to you? Now you can make the right decisions.

Suggestion: Take time to relax deeply. You’re in a good position to examine your past, your present, and your future. Write down your insights.

Revelation: My heart is filled with deep peace.


Affirmation: Conflict resolves into tranquillity