
Nine of Swords – Cruelty

THE NINE OF SWORDS – Cruelty – Saturn – Moon – Concern
Astrology: Mars in the 2nd decan of Gemini

About :

Nine of Swords – Cruelty

Full Card

Drive: Going into the depths of a subject, with all consequences

Light: Facing up facts, realizing truth

Shadow: Cruelty, pain, despair, lack of pity

Keywords: Mars in Gemini, cruelty towards yourself and others, self-accusation, self-punishment, self-torture, heartless passion, bigotry, revenge, martyrdom

Advice: This page indicates your tendency to cruelly trample yourself. You need to recognize and fully see this pattern of behavior before you can get rid of it.

Questions: Who has judged you before? How do you judge yourself now? Are you ready to forgive your parents, others and yourself?

Suggestion: Pull another tab to see what your life will be like when you accept yourself as you are!

Revelation: People love me, I’m just a martyr.


Affirmation: Love dissolves cruelty and fills the world with beauty.