
Three of Cups – Abundance

THE THREE OF CUPS – Abundance – Venus – Joy
Astrology: Mercury in the 2. decan of Cancer

About :

Three of Cups – Abundance

Full Card

Drive: Pleasure, healing, sensuality, conception

Light: Good luck, joy, satisfaction, passive success

Shadow: Greed, raw lust, excessive pleasure, over-abundance

Keywords: Mercury in Cancer, giving and receiving love, rare, valuable feelings and perceptions that can be passed on in confidence

Advice: You have something particularly valuable to share. Be open to the people with whom you can share these wonderful feelings. They are also gifts: you don’t have to look for them.

Question: Are there any people, who you have not yet expressed the love you have for them?

Suggestion: What you want to give now is in full awareness of your boundless wealth.

Revelation: Life today gives me everything I need to be happy.


Affirmation: The Universe welcomes and embraces me.