Five of Cups – Disappointment

THE FIVE OF CUPS – Disappointment – Saturn – Venus / Moon – Grief
Astrology: Mars in the 1st decan of Scorpio
About :
Five of Cups – Disappointment
Drive: Disillusion, pain, loss, sadness
Light: Sobering, realization, separation as a consequence
Shadow: Bitterness, emptiness, treachery, deceit, detraction
Keywords: Mars in Scorpio, unfulfilled hopes, lost sense of balance, problematic relationships, old wounds
Advice: Either some of your over-ambitious hopes have collapsed, or your fear of disappointment lies deep within you. It’s time to learn the lesson.
Questions: In what areas of your life do you fear disappointment? What have you learned from the disappointments that you have experienced so far? How can you prevent disappointment?
Suggestion: Draw one card for each of the above questions.
Revelation: By seeing where I trick myself, where I deny my inner voice, I begin to know my own inner reality.