Knight of Wands

THE KING OF WANDS – (Knight of Wands) – Sun – Lion – Confidence, Self-sufficiency
Astrology: 21° Scorpio to 20° Sagittarius
Element: Fire
About :
Knight of Wands
Drive: Expansion of spiritual individuality
Light: Inspiration, spiritual activity, a strong will
Shadow: Despotism, egoism, intolerance
Keywords: fiery aspect of fire, dynamic forward movement, increased insight, imminent changes
Advice: Be alert, ready to receive people or situations that can bring about dynamic changes in your consciousness. Be grateful for this gift of existence. Accept it and don’t insist.
Questions: Does your current situation allow your energies to evolve and unfold? If not, what needs to be moved or changed?
Suggestion: Find situations, opportunities that are challenging for you. Get into it with all your energy.
Revelation: All the challenges I face help my growth. Every storm reinforces my roots.