
THE TEN OF WANDS – Oppression (Depression) – Saturn – Sun; Saturn 11th House – Burden
Astrology: Saturn in the 3. decan of Sagittarius
About :
Ten of Wands – Oppression
Drive: Cruel and overbearing force, thirst for might
Light: The chance to think about it, learning
Shadow: Cruelty, excessive pressure, selfish and material ends, dogmatism, aggression
Keywords: Saturn in Sagittarius, suppressed emotions, withheld energy, isolation, aggression, separation
Advice: You suppress your energies, you want to express, live, enjoy and celebrate many things. Dare to express the fire that flies in you!
Questions: There are some things you always wanted to tell certain people. What are these things and who are these people? Since this moment is just right for you, you can now express these things.
Suggestion: Drag another tab to this question! What will my life be like if I’m ready to liberate myself?
Revelation: I have the right to follow my feelings and pulses of life.