The Universe
The World (Universe) card shows the newly found unit, the experience of profound harmony and the joyful completion of a development process.
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Number: 21 as the symbol of the whole, 3 x 7, the cross sum is the 3
About :
XXI – The Universe
Drive: Entirety and competition, harmony between spirit and body
Light: Being home in one’s self, inner independence, the ‘mental paradise’
Shadow: False visions, being on a street to nowhere
Keywords: Saturn, completion, cosmic union, liberation from bondage, closure of karma
Advice: It is now possible to see things as they really are. The color is right for a fresh start or a favorable finish. The events of your life are in harmony with the universe.
Questions: Which aspects of your life are those that are time to get rid of? Is there any travel or business that would start this?
Suggestion: Trust Your Perceptions! Make a list of any unfinished situations that you can solve.
Revelation: I am one with the Universe!