Two of Cups in Love Meets the Moon in Leo October 19

Moon in Leo You feel safe in moments when you can impress others and get praise and admiration. Yet, when you get into the spotlight, you may find yourself at a loss. Maybe you should admit your fear of criticism and your inability to accept criticism.

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Two of Cups – Love: The most important aspect of the Lord of Love is that we learn to develop self-love, self-trust and self- reliance. Hopefully there are many of you who can think, with confidence, I’ve done this.

Tarot Card of the Day

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Are Things Real? Unraveling the Mind-Bending Truth About Perception and Reality

Ever wondered if the world around you is really “real”? Like, truly real, outside of your own head? That’s a deep question, and one that philosopher Bentinho explores in a pretty mind-blowing way. He suggests that everything we experience, from the leaves on a tree to the smell of fresh air, isn’t actually an “object” out there, but rather a collection of our own perceptions.

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