
Princess of Swords

THE PAGE OF SWORDS – (Knave / Princess of Swords) – Mars 3rd House; Mars – Mercury – Debate
Astrology: Venus in the Air signs
Element and world: The Earth in the Airs

About :

Princess of Swords

Full Card

Drive: Impulsive, curious,

Light: Careful, courageous, serious

Shadow: Malicious, cruel, spiteful, wasteful, failure to recognize facts, aggression, destruction

Keywords: earthly aspect of the air, bringing clouds to light, victory over your mood, rebellion

Advice: Your thoughts and insights can sometimes break down “holy” altars. Do not allow yourself to be buried by rising debris. Don’t let your moods rule you. Stay true to your true ideals.

Questions: What old altars are present in your environment, in your life? Do you have the courage to destroy these?

Suggestion: Look inside yourself to see if your rebellion is rooted in love.

Revelation: My rebellion is positive, constructive and creative.


Affirmation: Ethical Will is the Will of the Universe.