

THE NINE OF WANDS – Power – Saturn – Venus – Reluctance
Astrology: Moon in the 2. decan of Sagittarius

About :

Nine of Wands – Strength

Full Card

Drive: Spiritual truth, realization

Light: Combination of the consciousness with the unconsciousness, great success but with strife and energy, victory preceded by apprehension and fear

Shadow: Conflicts, Contradictions

Keywords: Sun in Sagittarius, power, perfection from the combination of conscious and unconscious energies

Advice: You are on the path where you discover your true strength. Trust your inner leader! Perhaps you would like to participate in groups that can help you develop and develop your potential.

Questions: Do you feel some fear about your own strength? In which areas of your life does this fear come to light?

Suggestion: Listen to your dreams, what are you dreaming about lately!

Revelation: I know more and more who I am. This realization leads to the full development of my potential strength.


Affirmation: I acknowledge and grow into my strength.