Knight of Swords

THE KING OF SWORDS – (Knight of Swords) – Mercury – Gemini – Craftsmanship
Astrology: 21° Taurus to 20° Gemini
Element: Air
About :
Knight of Swords
Drive: Intellect, science, enlightenment
Light: Sharpness of mind, logic, intellect
Shadow: Coldness, Zionism, ambiguity
Keywords: airy fiery aspect, goal oriented, ambition, passion, ambition, flexible thinking
Advice: You are in a good position to set up plans, set goals, and make them fruitful.
Questions: Do you know your purpose? What if you reach it once? Will you enjoy it?
Suggestion: Imagine how you will be most happy with your success.
Revelation: I am aware of my purpose and know what I am doing to achieve it. Each goal is only a milestone on the road to my final destination.