

THE FIVE OF WANDS – FIGHT – Mars 5th House – Race
Astrology: Saturn in the 1. decan of Leo

About :

Five of Wands – Strife

Full Card

Drive: Challenge, the will to break out, contest, struggle, conflict, rashness

Light: Refreshment, renewal, boldness

Shadow: Struggle, conflict, destruction, spiritual crisis, prodigality, trickery

Keywords: Saturn in the Lion, unfulfilled desire, desperate, timid, futile struggle, inhibition

Advice: In this situation, there is a great danger of giving up on yourself. Saturn reminds you to approach everything carefully, step by step. Don’t let them run you down. Always look at the flame behind the stick, which is enough despite the obstacles. That you draw this card is a sign that you are ready to face the situation and do something about it.

Questions: What are the insurmountable obstacles that seem to exist between you and your goals? What does the mountain of tasks and responsibilities look like now?

Suggestion: Step by step! Buy everything a little easier! Draw another card on top of this one!

Revelation: As I work, I am increasingly able to express my feelings and creativity.


Affirmation: I meet conflict and obstacles with equanimity.