
Eight of Swords – Interference

THE EIGHT OF SWORDS – Intervention – Saturn 4th House – Obstruction
Astrology: Jupiter in the 1st decan of Gemini

About :

Eight of Swords – Interference

Full Card

Drive: Restlessness of mind, endless analyzing

Light: Realization of causality, accepting of limitation and relativity

Shadow: Confusion, aimless pondering, compulsive brooding

Keywords: Jupiter in Gemini, problems with endurance, suffering from tearing, decision making difficulties

Advice: Leave it for a while, let things go their own way. As long as you have doubts about these decisions, do not engage in anything new! Jupiter is a messenger of an unexpected change in the right direction. The seemingly insoluble problem now offers its own solution.

Question: What alternatives are you tensioning with now?

Suggestion: Relax and let it happen. Drag additional tabs for possible alternatives.

Revelation: I relax and trust in Life.


Affirmation: I skilfully direct my energies into the things that will make most difference.