Eight of Disks – Prudence

THE EIGHT OF DISKS – (Eight of Coins / Pentacles) – Prudence – Mercury 3rd House – Learning
Astrology: Sun in the 1st decan of Virgo
About :
Eight of Disks – Prudence
Drive: Consideration, prudence
Light: Realisation of coherences, ability to wait for the right moment
Shadow: Penny-wise and pound-foolish, hoarding, stagnity, immovableness
Keywords: Sun in Virgo, inner and outer riches, wisdom, development, care, caution
Advice: It is the beauty and delicacy of what blooms within you. Give him the protection and nutrition he needs. You must not force anything! Everything will unfold when the time comes.
Questions: Do you give yourself the protection and nutrition you need to grow now?
Suggestion: Meditate on the well-known phrase of the Zen tradition: “If you sit in silence and do nothing, spring and grass will come spontaneously.”
Revelation: I relax and trust in Life.