Two of Disks – Change
THE TWO OF DISKS – (Two of Coins / Pentacles) – Change – Moon – Mars – Persistence
Astrology: Jupiter in the 1st decan of Capricorn
About :
Two of Disks – Change
The Two of Disks represents the Earth, the realm of creation and energy, directing the pure material resources of the Ace towards a specific goal, in order to change from the raw material to the actual creation process.
The card is called Harmonious Change, it stands for the alternation and natural balance of gain and loss, weakness and strength, growing and fading, ever varying occupation and wandering. In nature, everything is in constant change, well balanced with and in each other, building the principle of natural growing and proceeding.
The Two of Disks reminds us that we are still part of that nature, that we have to accept the natural flow of changes and handle it with care and consideration.
The Lord of Change brings in a necessary breath of fresh air to sweep away stagnation, and brush the dust off the things we need to get done. Everything is constantly changing around us.
This is a revelation of the inner you and constantly changing, growing, expanding, altering. Your body cells change in every living second. Your thoughts flash faster than computer messages. Your memory stores a vast wealth of information, and is steadily adding more and more. This day that you now experience will never come again and tomorrow will be different, because you are.
Some people are afraid of change and alternation in life….. Some people spend too much energy trying to keep things the same. But you would not consider fixing the sky in any one final pattern would you? So, don’t do it to yourself. Allow excitement and joy to run alongside change in your life and you will get so much more out of everything.
If your workload is high right now, and to get everything done, you need to stay focused and productive. You may benefit from a ‘to do’ list, better calendar management and a stricter schedule. You may even enlist the support of an assistant or business coach to help you make the right changes. Basic time management is crucial to your ability to juggle these various priorities and keep your head above water. This card also reminds you to pay special attention to your general administration, including paying bills managing finances, staying on top of your commitments and maintaining your diary. Be careful that you do not miss important deadlines, meetings and other obligations.
This card calls your awareness to the concept of balance and those parts of your life where you have it and those where you don’t.
Drive: Growing, proceeding, the begin of a project, adaptability
Light: Flexibility, enthusiasm, time management, prioritization and Multiple priorities.
Shadow: Imbalance, the inability to accept a change, clinging to a status quo that is about to fade or change, Over-committed, disorganization, prioritization
Reversed: A sign you are over-investing in one area of your life at the expense of others. For example, you may excel in your career, but have little time for your family or your partner, leaving them feeling disconnected and alone. While you may get away with a few late nights at work, there will come a time when enough is enough. Something has to give.
Keywords: Jupiter in Capricorn, change, transformation, continuous progress
Advice: Your life is constantly changing, and it allows you to grow, to expand and expand, which ultimately enriches you. Give yourself the confidence to change!
Questions: What internal and external changes are taking place in your life? What are you still dependent on?
Suggestion: Meditate on the following statement: The only constant thing is change.
Revelation: I am getting better and better every day and in every way.