
Six of Cups – Pleasure

THE SIX OF CUPS – Enjoyment – Moon – Pisces / Cancer – Remembering
Astrology Sun in the 2nd decan of Scorpio

About :

Six of Cups – Pleasure

The Six of Cups has overcome the crisis of the Five, it has learned and accepted its lesson.

The 6 as the number of completion solves the imbalance of the 5, it combines the contrasts and reconciles the opposites. The 6 is open to all directions.

So the Six of Cups will tell of deep emotions, that have passed the depths of pain and fear and therefore will enjoy the pleasures of harmony and devotion more than ever before.

One of the truly wonderful things about being alive is that it allows us access to a wealth of different emotions – of course, we sometimes wish it didn’t, particularly when we are hurting – yet this hugely flexible resource of response is one of our most valuable treasures.

The Lord of Pleasure is about learning how to enter into pleasure with an open heart which is ready to receive, and freely allow the passage of emotion through it. Too often, we fail to enter the moment, and instead, stand on the threshold of life. This card challenges us to cross that threshold, and flow with the river of love which is always available to us.

Drive: close, deep emotions,

Light: Balance and harmony through the return to the inner sources

Shadow: Mental standstill, being afraid to move to not lose the current values

Keywords: Sun in Scorpio, desire, enjoyment, pleasure in sexual relationships, rich in sexual and love-energy-giving, emotional renewal, sensuality

Advice: Enjoy everything you get from life. This is the best way to express your gratitude.

Question: Do you hold on to old beliefs that prevent you from enjoying the pleasure?

Suggestion: Enjoy your own emotional wealth and share it with someone.

Revelation: I am open to a partner with whom I can share the joys of love at all levels.


Affirmation: I become part of the endless river of life and love.