

THE SEVEN OF WANDS – Courage – Mercury / Mars – Saturn – Resistance
Astrology: Mars in the 3. decan of Leo

About :

Seven of Wands – Valour

The Seven of Wands is entering the depths of creativity and anarchy standing under the number of destiny. And like for all the Seven’s, the leaving of the beautiful comes like the fall from paradise. But Fire is a fighter, and though the element seems to be burning down, it will struggle to survive.

The Seven of Wands talks of a situation where we have to face up forces stronger than ourselves, situations that at first sight seem hopeless, yet we’ll have to use all that we’ve learned and fight.

The Lord of Valour reminds us to take stock of our inner reserves of courage and strength. It will often come up to mark times where great change is in the air, where momentous decisions need to be made, and where we must grasp the moment.

On a day ruled by the 7 of Wands, the most important thing is to be alert for opportunities and great chances. Often these come up completely out of the blue, and must be seized without hesitation. This card often marks those apparently coincidental occurrences which begin a chain of events that leads us into a decisive and fulfilling life change. So pay special attention to everything that happens today.

And at the same time, keep a running check on your own feelings. If today is the day upon which your dearest dream comes true, how will you feel? Are you ready to let change run in your life? Are you prepared to take risks? And do you feel that today, you trust yourself?

The Seven of Wands can also mean a challenge to the success of a creative project from an external source. Someone or something may get in the way of you being able to pursue your goals and dreams. While it appears to block your path forward, you can overcome this obstacle by drawing upon your strong self-confidence, self-belief, and continual self-improvement. Establish clear boundaries and then protect them so that others do not mess with you.

If you encounter resistance of any sort on a day ruled by the Lord of Valour, remember that this card is about being true to yourself, following the voice of your own heart, and protecting your needs and hopes.

The Seven of Wands suggests resisting those fears, being honest about what you personally want and taking action accordingly.

Drive: Courage, fighting spirit, overcoming opposition, competition

Light: Initiation, rebirth, challenge, protection, perseverance

Shadow: Getting attacked, facing hardships

Reversed: The Seven of Wands reversed serves as a reminder that you will not always win everyone over. There will still be challenges and opposition to your point of view, and you cannot keep everyone happy all the time.

Keywords: Mars in Lion, courage, boldness, effect, risk-taking, no compromise

Key Phrases: 
• Refusing to budge on principle
• Sticking to your guns
• Going for broke
• Defending yourself
• Confidence to say “no”
• Being resolute
• Strength against adversaries

Advice: Being loyal to yourself also means you stand up for your own righteousness, even if you face tremendous resistance. Trust the fort. In this situation, you have to prevail at all costs.

Questions: Are you ready to accept any consequences. Be aware of the fears that have stood in the way of your case so far.  How important is your choice or decision?  Does it serve your true values or someone else’s, and do you have just cause for your actions? This card reminds you to have the courage of your convictions, but make sure you know what they are.

Suggestion: Make yourself aware of the warrior! What positive qualities this aspect of your being embodies.  

Revelation: I openly and honestly express my own reality.


Affirmation: I welcome life and embrace opportunity.