The Aeon
The Aeon is the trump of time and the changes dictated by the times, it addresses finality and destruction as well as liberation, hope and redemption.
Element: Fire
Number: 20 as 10 x 2 with the cross sum 2, the revelation of destiny
About :
XX – The Aeon
Drive: Birth, renewal, transformation, the realization of Utopia
Light: Knowledge of coherences, widened perception and the liberation of hidden abilities
Shadow: wrong identification, self-deception
Keywords: good judgment, open to criticism, critical self-analysis
Advice: You have been invited to break your “Frog perspective” to take things from a higher level. As you recognize longer time spans and other relationships (which you are increasingly ready to do), you will tend to become more aware of things in your own existence: to see without estimates.
Question: What methods will you follow to gain deeper insight and greater wisdom?
Suggestion: Meditate on the following statement: Belief in injustice and unhappiness is a sign of ignorance.
Revelation: God is the Unknown, the Mysterious. The more I know that I do not know, the closer I am to the Divine.