Three of Swords – Sorrow
THE THREE OF SWORDS – Sorrow – Mars – Moon – Consistency
Astrology: Saturn in the 2nd decan of Libra
About :
Three of Swords – Sorrow
Drive: Melancholy, facing up a painful truth
Light: Understanding, sobering, losing beautiful but false illusions
Shadow: Disappointment, pain, sadness, separation, sorrows
Keywords: Saturn in Libra, annoyances, doubts, lack of light, lethargy, jealousy, depression, tripartite obsession, troubles, uncertainty, anxiety
Advice: This page prompts you to make clear, unambiguous decisions. This is the only way to rebalance the balance (equiibrium).
Question: What are some decisions you find difficult or difficult to make?
Suggestion: Use the Tarot to reveal what your decisions are. Drag another tab that will show what awaits you when facing your problems.
Revelation: Every problem has its own solution.