Seven of Swords – Futility

THE SEVEN OF SWORDS – Falsehood – Mercury – Greed
Astrology: Moon in the 3rd decan of Aquarius
About :
Seven of Swords – Futility
Drive: List, trickery, cleverness
Light: Unmasking of illusions and disguises
Shadow: Treachery, deceit, illusion, amorality, evil tricks
Keywords: Moon in Aquarius, discouragement, despair, unsteadiness, fear of existence, negative expectations
Advice: Your fears have nothing to do with reality! Wake up and see what is really happening!
Questions: In what areas of your life do you reduce yourself to your own limiting thoughts? What are your restrictive belief systems?
Suggestion: Pull another tab on this question: What will my life be like when I get rid of my doubts?
Revelation: I have all the practices and tools I need to get what I want most.