
Four of Swords – Truce

THE FOUR OF SWORDS – Armistice – Saturn 5th-6th House – Disabled
Astrology: Jupiter in the 3rd decan of Libra

About :

Four of Swords – Truce

Full Card

Drive: Manifestation, balance of powers

Light: A chance to reflect, a rest from fighting, tolerance, generosity

Shadow: Cold truce which means no peace at all, isolation, forced restriction

Keywords: Jupiter in Libra, tranquility, focus, mental purification, integration, expansion, expansion, balance, clarity

Advice: Your inner purity is enough to successfully complete your plans. Always be sure that what is happening makes you feel good.

Question: What supports and blocks your lightness?

Suggestion: Take control of your environment and rearrange it to keep you calm and focused.

Revelation: I live in peace with myself.


Affirmation: Plans formulate within me as I gather peace and stillness to myself