
Ten of Cups – Satiety

THE TEN OF CUPS – SATISFACTION – Jupiter – Moon – Marriage
Astrology: Mars in the 3rd decan of Pisces

About :

Ten of Cups – Satiety

Full Card

Drive: Seeking for inner competition and fulfilment, kindness, generosity

Light: Optimism, self-consciousness, love combining all the elements of spirit and body

Shadow: Sentimentality, inner emptiness, debauchery, wantonness, waste

Keywords: Mars in Pisces, satisfaction, fulfillment, radiation, gratitude

Advice: Let things change by themselves. Everything happens to you at the right moment.

Question: What does satisfaction mean to you in this situation?

Suggestion: Relax, close your eyes and breathe deeply, calmly. Let them come up with an image that shows you in a state of complete fulfillment. Repeat this exercise often and relate this feeling more and more to your own reality.

Revelation: Life gives me everything I need to be happy.


Affirmation: Today my life gives me everything I need to be happy.